
“Try to learn about us”

1.What does our app do?

We are an app that provides live streaming and data analysis of football and basketball matches from all over the world, along with a team of globally renowned experts in order to provide result predictions and data analysis.

2.What does the Expert module mean?

Our expert module refers to football and basketball data analysts or match predictors, whose job is to provide professional and accurate analysis and solutions to help players make fast, accurate and rational decisions.

3.What is Intelligence Service?

Intelligence service means that we provide advanced intelligence and inside scoop about the matches, so that you can keep track of the teams and players on and off the field.

4.What is AI Modelling?

We use AI model to learn from historical data and characteristics, analyze the match scientifically through the historical data, and build a trend chart, aiming to help users make a better decision.

5.Is the expert's tips 100% correct?

The expert's tips is a decision made by them based on the historical and latest data of the match, as well as past experience. But it does not mean that the expert's tips is absolutely correct, as the human factor includes both subjectivity and objectivity.

“When you are using the app”

1.Can the coins be withdrawn or refunded?

Once the coins are successfully recharged, they can only be used to purchase information or plans and are not eligible for withdrawal or refund.

2.The payment for the coins was successfully deducted, but the app shows that they have not been credited.

2.1 Please first confirm whether you were logged out during the recharge. If so, please log out and check the "Coins" section on the "My" page.

2.2 If there is a delay in crediting due to network fluctuations, please log out of the app and reopen it to check your account again. If the coins still have not been credited, please contact online customer service for further assistance.

2.3 Send feedback using the "Feedback" button.

3.Can the plans provided by experts guarantee success?

The experts' plans are based on long-term industry experience and comparative analysis of horizontal data, resulting in conclusions that have a certain level of authority. However, this does not mean there is a 100% success rate, so please maintain a realistic perspective!

4.There is a significant difference between the plans provided by the two experts. How should I choose?

It is normal for different experts to provide different plans, as each expert has their own assessment of the events, which may vary. When making a choice, users should follow their own instincts and consider the experts' success rates in previous events.

5.How to quickly find experts worth following in the expert list:

5.1 The banner on the expert page will recommend the experts with the highest overall ratings from the previous week every week.

5.2 Experts with high success rates will be listed at the top of the current list, allowing you to choose based on their rankings.